Laser Programming / Visual Design

H.O.M.E: An aerial Hip H’Opera

Project Details:

Research and development of an aerial and streetdance theatre show.

Location: Irish Aerial Creation Center, Limerick, Ireland

The Team:

Director: Chantal McCormick

Rehearsal director: Rosin Harten

Performers: Chantal McCormick, Sara Granda, Tobi Omoteso, Wilzee, Sly (Suleman Sode), Sasha Krohn, and Shirley Keane

Co-Choreography: Chantal McCormick and Tobi Omoteso with cast

Video Projections: Walter Nied

Lighting: Gearoid O’ Hallmhurain

Turntablist: BOG

Costume Design: Paul Shriek

Production Manager: Fintan Sweeney

Head Rigger: Keylor Rojas

Rigger: Pepe Francisco Espinoza

Funded by the Arts Council of Ireland

I was approached by Tobi Ometeso to take part in the development of a “Hip Hop Opera” which saw to combine streetdance mentalities, aerial dance, hip hop narration with operatic musical sentiments.

My initial impulse was to use a laser rigged up high facing down to play with the idea of building facades out of light (in line with the concept of home being and egoic illusion).

The project developed more ideas for visual backdrops for different sections. A sunrise for Tobi’s sketched up in Blender and a thumping real-time heart for Willzee running in Touchdesigner.

The project is still in development and is being considered for touring in 2024.

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